For more details on setting up the title page see: APA: Student title page. A student paper title page should include the following elements: title of your essay, your name, course number and name, instructor name, and assignment due date. Students should follow the guidelines from their instructors or institution when determining which title page format is most appropriate to use. The APA 7th edition now provides specific guidelines for the title page on a student paper.

Make sure that Spacing Before and After is set to 0 pt.

From the Home tab, bring down the Paragraph menu by clicking on the diagonal arrow.Set up your entire document to double-line spacing, and make sure that you do not add lines before or after headings or between paragraphs. Select Times New Roman from the Font menu.Open a new blank document in Microsoft Word, then from the Home menu, click on the Font diagonal arrow.Setting up the Font in Times New Roman: Step-by-Step